Mom and I snowshoeing!
Me posing for a pic with the beautiful mountains!
Dad taking a rest!
Dad tackling Mom in the snow...
Dad and I
Dad and Mom
Mom being a goob as always...
I was able to go to my brothers indoor soccer game while I was in fun!
Jared and Joe after the game...they won!!!
Brianna and that little girl!
Dad, Mom and Ashley cheering on the team!
Our birthdays are so fun...we get to celebrate them together! So here are a few pictures of our cake/pie!
The pig and horse were on my cake! Loved it!
Cody's favorite by our wonderful Aunt Nila!
A close up of my cake...isn't it so cute!
Me with my cake...I loved my cake! And it was so yummy! Thanks Meranda and Aunt Nila!
All and all we had a good March...and it's June you can tell how busy we have been! More posts to come...I just don't have a lot of time on my hands these days!